What a Difference a Week Makes

Ash Hill_winter 2015It’s been quite some time since we posted on Ash Hill Apiary. 2014 was quite a year and our heads are still spinning. We went into the fall with two strong hives and they both made it through the winter. We weren’t sure what to expect this year. Many parts of the country experienced record snowfall, but we were spared. Last week was the “last” winter storm of 2015 (fingers crossed). Randy observed the hives a few days prior to the snow and saw that bees were taking “evacuation” flights. It’s been one week since the snow and things have warmed up a bit. The bees are foraging out and bringing pollen and water back into the hives. Spring is just one week away and we can all smell it in the air.


As you can see, the morticians have been cleaning house.

As you can see, the morticians have been cleaning house.


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